Scholarship to Study Abroad from Bangladesh | GSCL

Shafiqul Islam Jibon: Very common question from students, how to get scholarship to study abroad from Bangladesh. Obtaining a scholarship from overseas university is not easy. But if you can put some efforts and creativity, it is not impossible. The Global Study Consultancy can share its expertise to grab scholarships.
Get Scholarship to Study Abroad from Bangladesh
Higher studies takes money. It is very expensive. The overall expenses for foreign education is also growing up day by day. It is not only the tuition fees is increasing. Expenses for living is also getting robust. So, obviously the scholarships is very common attractions among international students. As a student from a developing country like Bangladesh always try to get some scholarships for studying abroad. If a student obtain some scholarships that means it helps his or her parents. They can also finance for the higher studies to their young brothers and sisters. With this concern the Global Study Consultancy always try to use any chances to get some scholarships to its students from Bangladesh.
How a student assessed for scholarships to abroad study
The Global Study Consultancy learned that any type of scholarships has a set of rules and criteria. First you need to follow the instructions about requirments. Different universities for different programs can set specific rules. As student you may have to fill any age limit, certain score in IELTS or TOEFL, grades in previous education, your motvation letter abd future career plan, etc.
One thing you must bear in mind that any university providing some scholarships that they have a taregt to invest money in you. It could be that you are a student with extra oridinary merits and you can gring some benefits to the university. So, it is a challening task to convince any university to grant your scholarships application. It is more challenging for Bangladeshi students to get scholarhip to study abroad from Bangladesh. We can discuss it more during the consultation once you decide to apply through our agency.
The Global Study Consultancy will try the best to prepare your application so that the university authority get impressions on your application. We will try to use every single chance to get some scholarshps from the university you choose to apply.
How to contact us
The Global Study Consultancy is loctaed in the heart of Dhaka city. You can easily find us on our Google Map. If you follow the map directions it will show you how easy to reach our office. We are at the Advanced Melinda, 72 Malibagh, DIT Road, Dhaka-1217, Bangladesh. Our office phone number is +88-02-222222715 and mobile number is +8801784619792. We are also using a WhatsApp number which is +8801710581006.
Please also visit our websites if you like to know more about us. and