Global Student Visa Bangladesh | Global Study Consultancy

Shafiqul Islam Jibon: Need support for global student visa Bangladesh? The Global Study Consultancy is working for admission and study visa for most potential countries of the world.
Global Student Visa Bangladesh
The Global Study Consultancy is working for global student visa from Bangladesh since June 2013. We have collaboratons with many reputed universities around the world. Most of our universities and colleges are in top position. All universities and colleges are public and priate. Our consultants are also educated and they like to make research on world education and immigration system.
So, you can also get always updated information about global student visa from Bangladesh to study abroad. They know exactly what to do for your university acceptance and visa. We will provide you the best counselling support for your admission and study visa. You will really get some benefits from our crearive knowledge better preparation of admission and visa procedures.
Most importanly, you should know that we never deal or make any type of financial contract for our service. We also believe that foreign education service is matter of ethics. So, we would never compromise our ethical values with the money. Based on that honesty and transparency the Global Study Consultancy has also created such standard of foreign education service Bangladesh.
What countries we work for global student visa
The Global Study Consultancy is working for most developed countries. It is also able to provide you the assistance for any country of the world. Our agency is working for the USA, Canada, UK, Germany, Australia, New Zealand and others. At the same time we are also sending a good number of students to China, Malaysia, Singapore, India, Russia, Japan or Thailand. If you like to study in other European countries we can also help.
You can take our foreign education service in Bangladesh for Portugal, Spain, France, Estonia, Czech Republic, Hungary and Lithuania. Global Study Consultancy is also expert to support international admission and visa services for Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland that means all Scandenavian countries in Europe.
How to contact with Global Study Consultancy
The Global Study Consultancy situated in the heart of Dhaka city. You can contact us in many ways. Also you can reach our office easily from any part of the city or country. Its office location is in Malibagh. Our registerd address is the Global Study Consultancy, Advanced Melinda, 72 Malibagh, DIT Road in Dhaka 1217 of Bangladesh. The office phone number is +88-02-222222715 and cell number is +8801784619792. You can also contact us on Whatsapp number +8801710581006. We will feel happy to answer if you fill this contact form with some questions.
Please visit our websites to know more details about us or foreign education service Bangladesh. Our websites urls are and