Study Diploma in Canada | Global Study Consultancy

Shafiqul Islam Jibon: Diploma in Canada are very much recognized. If you want to study diploma in Canada, the Global Study Consultancy can help you with the best admission to study in these programs. We can also help you with the study permit to study diploma in Canada.
Study Diploma in Canada
There are different type of diploma in Canada. Most of the diplomas are academically accepted for higher studies or further education in Canada. Suppose if you study in two years undergraduate diploma in Canada, you can start your bachelor studies from the 3rd year at any university in Canada. These two years dplomas are quite similar to the assiciate degrees in the United States. Mainly the colleges run the undergraduate diploma in Canada. There is also another diploma which is called the advanced diploma. The duration of the advanced diploma courses are mostly three years. The students can complete their bachelor degrees with the fourth year studies in same field at the universities.
Why study diploma in Canada
Diploma programs are mostly career based. Students can study and learn with practical knowlwedge at the same time. The students who wants to start their career in a particular area from the early life of their higher education, normally choose this option. As the university programs are mostly research and teaching based, the students join the diploma courses to gain vast practical knowledge. It is a very popular system in Canada that the students start their career from young life. Then they also continue their higher education at the universities in their convenient. When the students study in university programs already they have wide experience and knowlwedge from their practical working environment and the diploma courses from the colleges.
However, if a student like to choose their profession in teaching, research or more knowledge based career then the direct bachelor studies at the universities are the best option. The students also choose the diploma opion if they cannot directly enroll at the universities. Suppose the universities require the certain grade and English profciency score for direct admissions. But the students English scores are not sufficient. Then they can choose the diploma admissions as the colleges can accept some lower score in English. In that sense you can also take the diploma admissions as pathway programs to higher studies at the universities in Canada.
Tuition fees and requirements to study undergraduate diploma in Canada
The tuition fees of the diploma courses in Canada bit lower. It depends on the college and program of studying. In an avaerage the yearly tuition fees for the diploma courses are between $12,000.00 year and $16,000.00 CAD per year. The students need at least grade 12 certifications to get admissions at diploma courses in Canada. If we compare this certifications with the education ststem in Bangladesh, it is Higher Secondary Certificate or the A Levels. That means if you want to study diploma courses in Canada, you must complete the HSC or A Levels in Bangladesh. The admission requirements for the advanced diploma courses in Canada will be same.
Post Graduate Diploma in Canada
There is another diploma education system in Canada which is called the Post Graduate or PG Diploma in Canada. The duration of the PG Diploma courses in Canada is normally two years. This program offered mostly by the universities. Some colleges also run this program. The students need at least bachelor degree to qualify for the admission in this program. Some universities also offer the graduate certificate program which duration is normally one year. If you have a same degree like bachelor or masters and like to study in similar level of education, either you can choose the PG or post baccalaureate diploma admissions at some universities.
However, if you like consult more about to study diploma in Canada, please make an appointment with us. Our dedicated team will explain more and which diploma course could be suitable option for you study in Canada. We will review your personal profile and guide about the universities, colleges and their diplomas. You can also get all details about the admission requirements, tuition fees, accommodations, etc.
Address and Contact Details
The Global Study Consultancy is located in the heart of Dhaka city of Bangladesh. It is also very convenient to reach our office from any part of the city or country. We are in middle of the Dhaka city capital. Our office address is the Global Study Consultancy at Advanced Melinda (Level-2), 72 Malibagh, DIT Road, Dhaka 1217 of Bangladesh. There are two banks – the AB Banl Ltd and Social Islami Bank Ltd (SIBL) at the same building with us. Our office’s land phone number is +88-02-222222715. The mobile number is +8801784619792. You can also contact us over the WhatsApp number +8801710581006. Please also feel free to email us if you have some questions. Our email ID: or If you like to know more details about Global Study Consultancy, please visit our websites: and